Lunacekas ziņojums – LGBT lobija jaunais dokuments Eiro Parlamentā

Ģimenes, vecāki, tēvi, mātes, vīri un sievas!
Eiropas parlamenta LGBT un genderisma ideju lobētāji iedarbinājuši jaunu (iepriekš Edītes Estrelas ziņojums– atklātās lesbietes, Austrijas Eiroparlamentārietes, LGBT kopienas dalībnieku tiesību Intergrupas līdzprezidentes Ulrikas Lunacekas ziņojumu. Dokumenta mērķis ir kļūt par Eiropas savienības ceļa karti cīņai ar homofobiju un diskrimināciju attiecībā pret seksuālo orientāciju un dzimumidentitāti (gender identity). 
Aicinām jūs iepazīties ar zemāk lasāmo tekstu (angliski) un balsot CitizenGo lapā pret Lunacekas iniciatīvu.
Dear like-minded fellows.
The leftists do not rest, so... neither do we!
Shortly after the Estrela Report was defeated, European Parliament leftists went straight to work with their next initiative, the "Lunacek Report." With your help, as we did with the Estrela Report, we can defeat this too.
On 3 February, the European Parliament will vote on the Lunacek Report, officially known as "EU Roadmap against homophobia and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity."
The Lunacek Report is an attempt by the LGBT lobby to push for special rights and further their agenda into Member States. They claim they are only pushing for equal rights, but that is not true! The Lunacek Report tells a different story.
Help us defeat one of the most liberal reports to ever enter the European Parliament..
Sign the petition to demand party chairmen to STOP THE LUNACEK REPORT!
atvērsies jaunā logā
If adopted, the EU institutions and the Member States must engage in a holistic homosexual mainstreaming of all public policy domains, including not only the basic national competencies of public health and education, but also employment, asylum, and external relations.
The Lunacek Report includes an EU-wide veto mechanism that favors the LGBT community, meaning: no future EU legislation might contradict the interests of gay and lesbian activists.
The roadmap can be dangerously misused to force Member States to accept same sex "marriages." This is done in an insidious and hidden way, e.g. by requesting the automatic recognition of, and giving effect to, all civil status documents. In practice, this would mean that Member States where same-sex "marriages" are not recognized by the law of the land would be mandated by the EU to recognize a same-sex "marriage" that took place in another Member State.
The report clear outlines an agenda in which:
  • Can be politically misused to force Member States to allow "same sex marriage for all."
  • Same sex couples in all Member States will have access to full adoption, in vitro fertilization, and surrogacy.
  • Guarantee freedom of assembly and expression for gay activists and use language like "hate speech" and "hate crime" to silence Preachers of the Gospel, critics of homosexuality, and LGBT activism. In doing so, the European Parliament wants the EU and its Member States to apply double standards: unrestricted freedom of speech for the gay community, but restricted freedom of speech for possible critics.
It is what's not included in the report that is most frightening. The report makes no provision to protect the rights of parents to educate their children and to protect children from inappropriate homosexual propaganda, or the right to conscientious objection.
Please help by, signing the petition to demand party chairmen to STOP THE LUNACEK REPORT!
atvērsies jaunā logā
Thank you,
Gregory Mertz and the whole CitizenGO team
Edītes Estrelas ziņojums "Par seksuālo un reproduktīvo veselību un tiesībām" pārkāpj subsidiaritātes pamatprincipu, jo tā mērķis ir Eiropas Savienības iejaukšanās tādās jomās kā aborts, vecāku tiesības savu bērnu seksuālās audzināšanas jautājumos, kā arī ārstu un medicīnas māsu tiesības rīkoties saskaņā ar savu sirdsapziņu. Šie trīs jautājumi ir dalībvalstu ekskluzīvajā kompetencē.
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